A Peak at My Life

Life is a journey, and this is the story of mine.

Friday, February 29, 2008

We got the house inspected yesterday, which was interesting to say the least. I guess it't interesting to examine parts of a house that you didnt know existed until they have to inspect it.

Everything turned out great, except for a few minor but important things. The main drain line for the house has a small leak over the water heater area in the basement, there is an electrical outlet that needs to be rigged to trip properly in the upstairs bathroom, a wire needs to be take off of a single breaker (because there are two wires on one breaker), and the downstairs bathroom has a leak leading to the downstairs shower. Really minor things, but big hassles if they break and big risks for health if they do so.

So, we're in the negotiating process of fixing them/having them fixed by the current owners and we'll see where this goes. We're still set to close on the 28th of March, barring all major catastrophies.

That's all for now, really.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!
(I think).


9:01 AM  

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