Here's some pictures from last night. Miriam is the one in the blue shirt, and her sister Liz is in the black shirt. And of course, the cutest couple is Thune and I :)Not that I'm partial or anything :)
So.....Thune's here. :) Not much else to say about that. I love him, and I love having him here with me.
Christmas at his parents was interesting. I didn't feel very well, because we went out the night before and drinking was done. But, it was good to see a lot of people that haven't seen Thune in 8 months. I got a really nice purse and some shirts from Amy and Dennis. We went home and went to bed, Thank the lord. I was so tired....I fell asleep on their couch.
New Years was awesome. We started drinking around 5:30, and we were all mostly drunk by 8 or 9. But the drinking continued. We danced, ate nachos, drank beer, talked and just had good times. And kissed at midinight beneath the balloon drop. I wound up not throwing up before bed, but instead woke up at 6:30 am and losing the entire contents of my stomach into a trashcan in the bathroom. I didn't even feel sick, I wasn't really sure what happened there. Thune threw up before bed, but he hasn't really drank a lot out in Washington, so he's out of practice :) Hopefully someone doesn't hate us for that one. Except for that minor detail, it was awesome.
Today, we're just taking it easy. I may go running later, but that takes a ton of motivation that I don't have right now. I'm afraid this week will not be good for Weight Watchers, because I feel like eating whatever I want. I'm feeling pretty lazy...which is convenient in this house because it's ok to be completely lazy all the time. Tomorrow we are going to the Science center, the art center, and out to dinner with Thune's parents, his brother and his brother's girlfriend. Should be good times.
Anyhow, that's really all for now. This week will be more laid back, because this weekend was busy. Thune didn't appreciate it too much having to go do lots of different things. He just wants to relax I suppose.
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