A Peak at My Life

Life is a journey, and this is the story of mine.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

This has to be posted on ASAP.

Today in class was ridiculous (the class that Eric and I are in together). We were supposed to have a debate. It started out being at first an organized (albeit weirdly organized) debate. It then finished with everyone accusing everyone else of something, the majority of people attacking the accuracy of everyone else's facts or what they took to be facts.

I just sat back and quietly listened, until I started getting perturbed. Then I started fidgeting, and readjusting in my chair every few seconds. I have never seen so many people that are supposed to be well educated (most of us gradute college in the next few months) act like complete loons. I understand being passionate, but part of being educated is just listening. Why is that so hard for everyone besides maybe 4 or 5 people in the class? Eric and I being the first two, the other 2 or three are just generally afraid to speak at all, as evidenced by their inability to speak at all and their very few words said throughout the class so far. I'd rather sit back, and not say a whole lot, unless I have a good well-evidenced point than sound like a moron in front of an entire class. Eric is called the "smart guy" after all. Sitting back, listening and absorbing, and speaking when appropriate pays off for us. We're a pretty good team, until we get split up number drawing or side-taking.

Unfortunately the ones who have the biggest problems, or in my opinion the biggest holes in their logic are not necessarily the youngest in the class. A few are young, so they're given a bit more lee-way as far as speaking out of their butts. But National Guard Guy and Sports fanatic are problems because they're 1) older, probably mid to late 20's, and 2) extremely passionate about their ideas. Neither one of them talk with a whole lot of logic....and they usually start most of the drama or arguments in the class, fed by the few younger students mentioned above.

Anyhow, I've never seen a more disorganized class in all of my life. I'm valuing other peoples opinion, or at thevery least listening to their opinion and discerning what I want to value out of what they say. However, I don't have to like what they say or the stupid spats that they start in class for really no reason. And, I'm not given free reign to argue or say what I think in front of the whole class. It's a class: Calm down, sit down, discuss ideas like adults, leave. Repeat the next day. Why is that so hard to understand?


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