This is me, Allie and Erin being ghetto. Hey...I went to Hoover, I can at least pretend, eh?
Well....my computer broke. Not sure what happened, but it isn't working. And I'm not happy, seeing as how I just spent like $700 or something getting it fixed. Blah, I say. Like I told my friend Russ, if my life were boring, it wouldn't be my life. Luckily, Rob is going to take a look at it and see if it's worth fixing or not. I really, really don't want to buy another computer before I graduate, but I might not have an option in the issue.
Not a lot going on. I have to do a ton more homework throughout the weekend since I can't just take my laptop to work and do it. Majorly inconvenient, and really it's stressing me out a lot more.
My mom is going off of her narcotic pain medicine, slowly but surely. I'm very proud of her. She's doing more exercising, and getting out and about more. She's taking control of her life, which I'm not sure that she's ever done before. It's like I have a new mom, I'm pretty excited about it.
Now, for Dad. I got a new restraining order in the mail this week: till 2012. This means I will be married, and well established before he has the chance to come along and cause problems again. That's reassuring to me. It's easier for me to feel less guilty when I know if I contact him I can get in as much trouble as if he contacts me. It's weird when you have to protect yourself from someone you're supposed to love. I wish/hope that no one else has to feel that feeling. It's heartbreaking in the worst way. But, I've spent too much time crying over it. My life is what I've made it, and I'm 100% proud of what I've done, and how I've handled it. The end :)
Weight Watchers is going well. I'm right around my weight goal. I want to lose another 6 pounds to safeguard myself. I've been lifting with the cardio though, so I have to trade off the weight lost for muscle weight gained. I'm not trying to be a body builder, but I do want to be more toned up. The abs are definetly the hardest part....I'm pretty flabby in the belly region. Oh, and the marathon idea got pushed back to next year because I'm far too busy this semester to do it. I do plan on doing a few road races if I get a chance this summer, and maybe in the fall as well. I will get there though, mark my word.
Thune....is doing well. This month we celebrate our 2nd Valentines Day, his birthday. Next month (and all within 4 weeks of time) is my birthday and our 2nd year anniversary. BTW: We're thinking of an August 2008 wedding....and he knows I need a year to plan a wedding. So....who knows what'll happen when he comes back for my graduation (wink, wink-nudge, nudge). :) 70-something days until he comes back to visit again. Yippee for me. That also means 70-something days until I graduate. Double yippee for me.
I volunteered to speak at the Pinning Ceremony for the nursing students, so we'll see how that pans out. I like public speaking now far more than I used to. It's all a crap-shoot right now though.
Anyhow, this is far longer than I thought it would be. Have a good day and love you all :)
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