A Peak at My Life

Life is a journey, and this is the story of mine.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Tired doesn't even begin to cover it.

In the past week, I've been the unfortunate reciever of two phone calls saying "The 11 p-7am person called in...I can't find someone else to do it." This was last Thursday and it was ok, because then I had Friday night off. Who doesn't want Friday night off? Then, it happened last night. The big "snow storm" had scared the 11-7 person off (ironically her last name is storm). It was 6 pm when she called in...everyone knows it didn't even start to snow until after 10 pm. She told the scheduler that her and her sister were still sick from last Thursday. I told the scheduler that they were full of shit. They could work Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and then magically are sick again? B-O-L-O-G-N-A.

So, I work the double. No big deal, right? Wrong...I get a call at 2 before 7:00 this morning. I had my car warmed up, everything ready to go. The call says "The 7 am to 3 pm person called in as well." My comment "Are you kidding?" She literally lives less than a mile away from the Ruan's house. They asked one of my co-workers to come in for me, who lives less than 5 blocks away. Her answer was no as well.

Why does everyone love to screw me over this week? No idea...but I'll be gosh-darned if I do anything nice for any of them ever again because going to school after having worked 18 and half hours is my definition of hell. They at least only have jobs for goodness sake. I have 40 hours of work, followed by 20-something hours of school every week. What a way to go into Valentines day, eh?

All I can say is: I hope the snow is done, because I'm tired of them being allowed to call in whenever they want, and not having to answer for it. Leaving early is what it's all about...one can make it anywhere if they leave early, and are prepared for winter driving. You live in Iowa for Christ's sake, get used to it already!!


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