This is what I feel like this week....like I'm asleep at the wheel...but the car's still moving. This is mostly due to working a full week, being on call and called in all weekend, and having to work all week this week. The organization that I work for needs to put some serious thought into having their Monday thru Friday people taking mandatory on call schedules. I'll only be working for the company for another two months or so, for goodness sake. Needless to say, I'm beat. This week isn't going to help either. Despite it being my birthday, I have to work all week, go to school and have two clinical preceptorship days at the hospital. One of those days is Saturday, the day of my birthday party. So...I'll be nice and tired but equally as ready to have a good time :)
Which brings me to....it's almost my birthday. Two more days and I'll no longer be just 21. I'll be 22....which I realize means nothing, except for that people will quit saying to me "Aww...you just turned 21." Seriously, they've been doing it since I turned 21. Blah, I say.
The semester is really almost over, there's only around 5 weeks left in the thing. It's crunch time, but also a time where things are wrapping up and I'll be getting way less busy for a while. There are something like 29 actual days of class left. Which is exciting and scary. I had to redo my resume, because at the hospital where I precept at, there is a position opening in May and I believe I stand a good chance of getting on there. She said she'd love to have either I or the other studen who precepts on the floor work there. I'm leaning more toward it than the other person is, because she thinks she may want to go out of state.
Only 1 month and 19 days until Thune flies in and I graduate.(Yes, I will get invites and announcements out...) Again, excitement doesn't begin to cover it. I feel like I fall in love with him all over when I see him come down the stairs at the airport. I've never felt so loved, or felt so much love for someone else in my entire life. And yes...to all who said "Absence makes the heart grow fonder.." you were correct. I just wish he were here all the time :)
We had a bit of a falling out yesterday because sometimes I have a hard time accepting that he doesn't care as much about his education as he does. It's registration week for fall classes, and he's "too busy" to deal with it. Nevermind that I told him over three weeks ago that it was coming up, and that he had a bunch of time off for tooth extraction. Procrastination is not how I live my life, and it's frustrating to deal with because I'm trying to help him out. He said last night "I'm not your f-ing kid, and you're treating me like I am." He had a valid point, so I guess trying too hard to help is not a good idea either. He cried....so did I. I think it's a lot of things that compounded together into a culmination of emotions for him last night....I felt really bad to have started it though. Really it's only the 2nd or 3rd actual argument/disagreement that we've ever had, so I think we're doing just fine. He needs to realize that COMMUNICATION is how relationships work though...he'd rather just avoid everything altogether than deal with the issue at hand. Men, I tell ya!
Weight Watchers....is still frustrating. But I wasn't able to go last week or this week, so we'll see how that works out when I go weigh in again. I've been eating well and exercising, so I think I'll be just fine. I want to be down another 5 lbs or so if I can by the time I graduate, just to safeguard myself in my weight range.
Anyhow, I'm going to get down like never before on Saturday. I'm so excited, because it's going to be such an interesting mix of all of my friends and Thune's friends and my roomate, and school friends. It should be good, good, drunken times. My mom is going to drive for us, so that's a blessing. No one has to be sober-mcgee (That's what we call DD at my house).
I hope you all have a good week. Much love to you all and G'day!
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