So...this is my new place of employment as of the week of May 7th. I didn't want to start when Thune was here, so I'm taking a week and a half of vacation from my current job, then going to work at the hospital. I will work as a Graduate Nurse until I pass boards, which I hope to take the last week in May or beginning of June. That's a whole different stressful issue though, and one that I'm avoiding right now due to other stressors. Apparently the interview went fine, even though I worried for two days about how I did. Thune says "I'm sure you did great...," but who listens to their boyfriends anyhow? lol...Hehe..ahem.
The position is for a rotating 3-11, and 7-3 shifts on an Orthopedic floor, meaning a lot of broken hips, hip and knee replacements. It seems like a nice mellow place to get started in my career, without a lot of codes and crazy hard stuff going on with the individiuals. I decided against the telemetry position because it wasn't a guaranteed full time position, and I explained that if they were offer me a Full time position I would take it. But, that didn't happen and so I moved on. The manager on the telemetry floor said she understood, so hopefully there are no hard feelings there. I guess we'll see though.
Excited doesn't even begin to cover it, because there is nervous, anticipation, etc. all mixed in there. It feels amazing to stepping out into the real world, and making real money. I'm not going to post my wage on here, because I think it's a bit tacky to do so, but lets just say that it's almost twice what I'm making now. I'm excited to actually have money, rather than just making it paycheck to paycheck. It's been a ridiculously expensive semester, and I'm ready for this stuff to be over with.
Anyhow, it's 18 days until I see Thune now, and no I'm not counting down the hours. I've told everyone that they'd do the same in my position, but the making fun of me for counting down never ends. Blah, I say.
Thune has an exciting road trip planned for us to go up to a Casino/Spa south of Iowa City for a few days while he's here. That's probably what I'm looking forward to most because it'll be completely relaxing and away from home. Like a mini-vacation, which I'll need after graduation and my graduation party, etc. He planned it all himself, made reservations and said "Well, you can get a massage like on the second day we're there, maybe splash aroudn the pool...and on the drive back we can stop at that mall that you love..." It shows a lot of effort and sweetness on his part. How cute :)
Anyhow, that's all. I just thought I'd update as to the status of my job hunt. I really didn't have to hunt at all, it kind of landed in my lap. Yay for the medical field and their lack of staff :) Have a good day all!
Congratulations! We are very proud of you!
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