So, here are some pictures from the bridal shower. My friends Allie and Erin gave me the sweatshirt, and I love it! I thought it was so creative and cute!! Dani and my grandma were the planners for the day, and it was a great time, I think somewhere around 20 people came, both friends and family.
We mostly just sat around and told stories, and talked about different things. My mom told a story that made EVERYONE cry...which was exciting I suppose.
Thune flew back on Sunday night/Monday morning. due to the storms here in iowa he didn't get back until 1:40 am. Which was fun waiting for, let me tell ya. I figured out they clean the airport at 1:00 am, which is neither here nor their.
I start Farrell's Extreme Body Shaping this Saturday. It's expensive, but this late in the ball game it's my last resort. I wanna look awesome for my wedding, and apparently it being the biggest day of my life wasn't motivating enough to work out and eat right. So, we'll try this. I hear you get great results, with it being a high protein-low carb-work out 6 days a week program. It starts on Saturday, with the first things being a one mile run to gauge your personal fitness level (not too fit right now) and a before picture in a bikini. I wore one last summer for the first time, and I'm not looking forward to wearing one in front of a camera, 30 lbs heavier. YIKES!!!
But, that's really all I guess. Nothing too exciting, I got centerpieces figured out, and decorations for the church pews done as well. They are ivory kissing balls that I attached some ribbons to the bottom to match our colors (coral and ivory). So, I'm breathing a little more easily. Most of the things are done, with a few more things to buy, assemble and organize.
All is well though, really :)