So....as you can tell....I'm a married woman now. Still struggling with the "husband" label. I frequently call him my fiance, and I frequently sign the wrong last name. Especially at work. It's a work in progress I do suppose.
I couldnt have asked for a better wedding day, really. What guests didn't see is the night of the rehearsal the pastor was missing. As in, "i called the groom and bride and told them I wouldnt be here at the rehearsal" missing. No one called, and I about lost it. Also, my mother in law was saying things like "I want..." to which I quickly put an end to.
It was a magical day, and I married the most amazing person ever. Apparently he was just staring in awe at me the entire time we were at the alter, I couldnt necessarily see it all since I bowed my head when the pastor was praying. But it was beautiful, and amazing, and everything that I had ever imagined it to be.
married life is not that much different than "single life." We lived together, and bought a house together before the wedding, so really not a lot has changed. But, I realize the tough part is ahead, and it's work. But, when you marry your best friend I cant imagine it won't be fun work. At least I'll giggle alot, I suppose.
Really that's all, we're going on a honeymoon in December to the Dominican Republic and we'll be there for a week. We're both back at work already, and life is just going along. Oh, that and we got a 50 inch projection TV. Go wedding money :)
Thank you all for sharing in our day, it was truly amazing because of all of you. We hope that you had a great time, and know that it meant the world to us for you to be there.
G'day all :)