Boring ol' married life.
I say this, because there genuinely is nothing exciting going on in my life currently. Thune's three-quarters of the way through the spring semester at Grand View. He'll graduate in April of 2011. It was supposed to be December of '10, but he got hung up on a class and decided to push it back a bit. I was upset at first, but I get to see him more now so it's kind of a wash.
I was originally quite bummed about him pushing back graduation because of one reason: trying to have a child. I've been dying to be a mom, and wife from early on in life. I think I've got the wife thing down, and I have a puppy and cat under my care 24/7, so I think I'm ready to tackle the mom thing. ( I may regret saying this, I do realize). By no means do I think that being a mom to a cat and dog is comparable to having a baby-but it's the closest thing I can relate to it, so it was the analogy that I used. Anywho-I think we've settled on starting to try around Thanksgiving. That'll put us at a little over a year of marriage, and a nice vacation to Vegas (in September) before we start trying. I think it's good-my husband may not agree.
Work is going well. It is what it is-I realize some days are better than others and you're still going to have moments where your sanity it tested. Welcome to healthcare.
My best friend Erin got engaged on Feb 20th (also thune's birthday), and will get married May 20th or so of next year. Allie, another best friend of mine is getting married in a week from Saturday. Wedding age and wedding season is definetly upon us.
Really, that's all I guess. I'm in the middle of a few overnight shifts (hence why I'm blogging at 4:45 am) because I have a wedding in a few weeks and had to ask for extra time off. Crazy me volunteered for a few overnight shifts as a trade for having the weekend off. Oh, and I turned 24 last Sunday. I realize with each year how much harder it is to recover from drinking. No fun it is. G'day all!