A Peak at My Life

Life is a journey, and this is the story of mine.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Here are a few pictures of my new place. I realize that the living room looks incredibly empty. I am working on that a bit. I was supposed to have a table and chairs coming my direction, but my awesomely responsible cousin doesn't know where they are. So....they'll have to wait until I get a little bit more stable in the finance deparment. And then I'll also decorate the living room, beacuse it's in need of something to break up the whiteness of the walls. But, it's comfy and I love it so far. Now, if only I had Thune here, it'd be perfect. I'm already bored living on my own...and it's been 24 hours :)


Blogger thisbearbites said...

Check with Rob for unwanted furniture, I don't think he is too fond of the table on the screen porch. What is mine that I have hoodwinked Rob with, could be yours!

1:25 AM  

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