A Peak at My Life

Life is a journey, and this is the story of mine.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

UGH! That's all that can be said about taking my boards. Seriously, I can't believe how ridiculous those were. There were a ton of questions on there that I had NO idea how to answer. A ton of meds that I'd never heard of....So I left feeling like I failed miserably. I only got 80'something questions out of the 265 total questions, but that either means that I did really great or I did horrible. So I get to worry about it the entire weekend. Until Tuesday, or even Wednesday possibly.

Needless to say I went out for a beer after the test with a nurse that I work with who took them with me, and we sat at Valley West mall's Kahunaville filling our faces with beer and nachos. And tonight, I don't plan to be even one bit sober. I'm going to be hanging out with friends at home, so I hope to be pretty damn drunk pretty damn early in the night :)

Yay to taking tests....PFFTTT..... Cross the fingers and pray for me everyone :)


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