A Peak at My Life

Life is a journey, and this is the story of mine.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

So, I've made a rather important life decision. I am going to stop drinking. I made this decision because the root of almost all of my problems in life right now are based upon my drinking habits. Including: gaining weight, getting into bad situations, conflicts with Thune, and problems with friends. So, rather than face controversy and problems I've decided to eliminate the common denominator. I should able to go out and have a good time with friends and not drink. I also should be able to go out and have only a few: but that's not the way it is. I have serious alcoholism genes on both sides of my family and it's inescapable. I used to just drink on the weekends, and now it's becoming more common to drink about twice a week. I cannot just have a few beers and be ok. If I have one, it's followed by 8-10 more. And, as I look back: it's kind of ridiculous. I become someone I'm not when I drink: and it becomes way easy for things to get out of control. I make irresponsible decisions like driving when I shouldn't. Perhaps at some time in my life later I'll be able to drink again, but for right now, it's just not going to be part of my life anymore.

I have to work a 6 day stretch this week, because they called and asked if I wanted to stay home on Saturday. That was ok, but now I have to work tomorrow, and the rest of the week. Oh well, I mean I guess I get next weekend off. I shall survive, I suppose.

Anyhow, that's really all that's going on in my life right now. I'm just working and living and that's that I suppose. I'm getting more used to being on my own, but I still can't wait to have Thune back in a month and 5 days. Yay :) I'll post again when I have more things to talk about. Have a g'night all!


Blogger thisbearbites said...

I'm proud of you! Welcome to my world!

7:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you!
I am happy for you that you can take a serious look at your life and be honest with yourself.

8:46 PM  

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