Cutest picture ever? I think so. I think this might qualify for engagement photo status if it wasn't in a bar, but then again, what else would be more fitting for either of us beer lovers? Hm... :)
Anyhow, the adjusting continues. Thune likes to call my Suzy Home-maker, apparently he's amazed that I knew how to cook this well all along and just didnt have the time to during school and work and whatnot. It's interesting though to see him get up for school, and not have to get up and go as well. Kinda love it, a lot in fact :)
Anyhow, that's all for now I guess. Not a lot going on, just working and whatnot. Tom and Miriam, Noah and Denise, and Dani and her friend Annette are all coming down for labor day, so I think it's going to be a blast. I don't have to work the weekend, so I think we're going to go have some fun.
Love ya'll, and G'day!
If you're looking for something to do, there's a pub crawl in Clive Friday night. I'm going to it.
It starts at Clive After 5 from 5-7:30, then a bunch of buses show up and cart us around from 7:30 - 12:30. Cost is $20 and earns you drink specials at 5 bars (Miss Kitty's is one of em).
More info:
It doesn't look like a bar, I say use it.
BTW, me thinks Erin is in my Mgt. Accounting class. Or could be her doppelganger, I suppose.
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