The sober world, part one :)
I just thought that title was clever. I giggled in my head anyhow. Take it or leave it, I suppose :)
So, I have spent the last few weekends going out, but not drinking. I have to admit that it's refreshing to not be hung over on Sunday. It's sad that I don't remember a Sunday feeling so good before. But, tis the way it is I guess. I did go out this Wednesday, the day of the funeral and spending the entire day on Tuesday at the funeral home. I had two beers then, after consulting with Thune. I had made the promise to him not to drink, and I wanted to make sure it was ok with him to have a few, and just enjoy my friends company. I got a bit of shit from a friend, his answer was "How old are you, you make your own decisions." Um, pretty sure I'm the one with the great relationship: you're single. I think I'll stick with being respectful to my fiance. Again, it was refreshing to drink and not be trashed. So I'm not sure if it was totally psychological in regards to having many if I have one, but my guess is yes. I still plan on not drinking heavily until Thune comes home, but maybe a few here and there. It's been interesting experiencing my friends completely trashed while I'm sober, I'm not sure what I think of that yet. It's interesting, to say the least.
Work has been going well. Same ol, same ol basically. I'm feeling more confident and more in the loop of things at work, which is reassuring. I'm not feeling like such a rookie. I've also had a lot of really good patients lately, so it's been fun. I love my patients, and my co workers are all pretty awesome too. A lot of different personalities, some quite similar to mine :)
THUNE COMES HOME IN APPROX. 23 DAYS. Yay, yay, yay :) Home for good, I can't wait. I should probably stock up on antibiotics now, considering my UTI track record of every single time he comes back to visit. Not that ANYONE wanted to know that, but everyone at work jokes about it so I thought I'd share the joy with ya'll.
Anyway, I guess that's it. I have to work all weekend, so no fun times for me this weekend. And I'm ok with that. I'm feeling pretty tired and run down lately, although I'm not sure why.
One more thing....I got told by a lesbian that I was hot the other day. Didn't quite know how to take that one. I guess she was a hot lesbian (I think, though I'm not expert on the situation) so it was ok, no? Flattering, none-the-less I suppose :) I politely said "thank you," because I figured "You too" would have been a little misleading of my intentions. But whatever, I realize I think things to death. This situation is no exception :)
Now, I promise that's it! Have a good weekend! G'day all!
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