A Peak at My Life

Life is a journey, and this is the story of mine.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Here's my glasses, and my costume for halloween. I realize being a nurse and actually dressing up as a "slightly" naughty nurse is a little cliche, and maybe even a stretch, but it was fun. And that's that.

Not a lot going on really, just working and getting things squared away with the wedding plans and whatnot.

Thune is doing well, just going to school and that's about it. He has a lot of free time on his hands, which proves to be entertaining sometimes. But, that's just him I suppose.

I get my top wisdom teeth out next Thursday, so be thinking of me. I'll be eating soup for a few days and undoubtedly in pain. Booo....the stupid top ones came in after the bottom ones (which were removed my senior year of hs) so of course they couldn't be all taken out at once.

Anyhow, I'll post again when I have more to say. G'day all!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

So...I had an optometrist appointment today. And the verdict is: I'm nearsighted. I knew that I'd been squinting for a while, and having somewhat frequent headaches. Turns out that I am pretty nearsighted in my Right eye and fairly nearsighted in my left, with a slight astigmatism. So, I had to order my first pair of glasses, which was semi depressing. At least I don't have to wear them all the time. I got a cute little pair of plastic DKNY glasses, so hopefully they'll just be a nice little accessory, eh?

Anyhow, nothing else new really. Thune and I are going to the Wisconsin Dells this weekend for a three day getaway. I'm not going to love the drive, but it'll be awesome to get away from home for a while and just relax with my honey.

Anyway, I'll update when I have more to talk about, and when I'm not at work. G'day all!