A Peak at My Life

Life is a journey, and this is the story of mine.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

So, here are a few pictures from last weekend. I cut my hair, because I wanted an actual hair style instead of a just having hair. And I figured to grow it out for our wedding next August, that now would be the time to cut it shorter if I wanted to. I'd been saying that I wanted to for a really long time, but it was hard to talk myself into it. I'm told that it looks realy good, by many different sources, so I thank you all :)

I'm sorry it has been so long since I have updated, and I really have no good excuse as to why it's been so long. I guess maybe the fact that I've been pretty bored for the last week counts as an excuse, no? But, whatever-the-case, I had fun last weekend. Erin and I decided to wear dresses, which worked out ok until I was wasted. Then the cute shoes, and strapless bra thing didn't work out so well. Neither work well with alcohol. I'm just glad I have good guy friends who always look out for Erin and I :)

Anyhow, work is going really well. I'm getting into the flow of things, and people realy like me up there. I'm trying to get down the very specifics, while gaining confidence which is somewhat difficult. But, I'm getting there slowly but surely.Everyone has been pretty amazing up on the floor, and I love the people that I work evenings with. There are a lot of great people with great personalities, and it's pretty much just that: great.

On the weight watchers front, I've been starving when I get home from work around midnight every night, so I eat a snack. Usually I'm still starving and that doesn't help anything at all. I don't get what's going on. I've been working out 5 days a week, before I go to work, so I think maybe the activity that I do at work in combo with my workout might be draining my energy. That's the only thing I can come up with, because I'm eating good home cooked meals for dinner, and my typical diet, so I have no clue what's going on with my body. One thing is certain: I'm not pregnant. I am however lifting and working out a lot more, so my body is changing, it's just not dropping the weight like I would like right now.

I say that because it seems like half the nurses on the floor are: which means I'm going to quit drinking any water up there. I'd have a hell of a lot of explaining to do if I wound up pregnant right now. (easy transition into next topic, lol)

Thune comes home in a little under two months, which will be exciting and scary all at once. I say scary because we're going to have to live with eachtoher, when we never have before: and we haven't seen eachother for months and will have to see eachtoher every day. I will love it, of course: but it'll be quite an adjustment to go from living my life practically single and self sufficient to incorporating another's life into my own. I think I'll probably have the most problem, because as you all know, I tend to be pretty anal in my every day life. No surprise to you all, I'm sure.

Anyhow, it's about time to get to work. This will be my 6th day in a row, and I have to complete 7 before I get a day off. Though, i can't complain about next week's schedule: Monday through Wednesday off, work Thursday and Friday and off again Saturday and Sundy. Pretty sweet, if you ask me :) Being a nurse really works out for those of us that dont have families.

Love you all and talk to you sooner than later, hopefully :) G'day!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

So, as you can tell, I've been having a good time. I got my nursing license in the mail on Saturday, but can't find a frame for it because it's an odd sized piece of paper. I think I'll have to get it customely framed, so I'll get around to that in the next...eh, 20 years or so :)

Work is going amazingly. I am now a full nurse, in the system even. That means that I can pull narcotics, and note my own doctor's orders all by myself. Not a baby nurse anymore, a real full fledged nurse. Of course, this also means there's a touch more liability, like being sued if I screw up. Luckily I had some great preceptors that taught me what's going on :) That, and I catch on pretty darn easily. Everyone is saying that I'm doing swimmingly on the floor, so I think that they're being honest. I'd like to think that if I were failing miserably, they would let me know. But, everything is going smoothly. I love the floor, and most of the people are amazing, except for some of the old Spaz's. They, what else, spaz out about the dumbest things. It makes for an easier night if you plan out your night and just flow through it all. Apparently 20+ years or nursing hasn't taught them that. Instead, they freak out and bite people's heads off, and offend people. It's brilliant.

Outside of work, I celebrated for the last two weekends, with alcohol, my passing boards and getting my official license. This weekend there will be no alcohol involved, mainly because I do love my liver and want to keep it in good condition. But, it has been fun though a bit interesting.

It's still weird for me to wake up at 9:15 every morning and not having something to rush off and do. This relaxing business wasn't made for someone like me, I don't think. Its weird having free time, because I don't have to be to work till 3, and that means I have quite a bit of free time in between getting up and going to work. So, I work out 5 days a week now, watch tv and mess around on the computer pretty much on a daily basis. I guess I shouldn't be complaining, but I'd like to find something more constructive to do with my time. It's difficult though, because 1) I live in a small town now and 2)It'd have to be something that I could do throughout the day, not in the evening. I shall survive my boredom though, I do suppose.

Thune comes back in around 2 months, and I say around because the army is ridiculously un-specific. He gets "relesed" around August 10th, but we assume he'll be back around the 20th, because he has to out process, meaning do a TON of paperwork and whatnot. It seems amazing that it's only two months away, but it's going to be a long two months I have a feeling. The last month has been the most difficult of the deployment I feel, and I think it's because I'm anticipating him being back here. We've had more little bickering and interesting situations come up in the last month than we have in the rest of the year and two months that he's been gone. But, we'll work it out one way or the other. It'll be interesting to live together after not seeing eachother for a while. Shall be fun.

Anyhow, it's time to go work out now. I'll try to update a tad more often, considering I'm bored most of the time.

Love you all! Gday!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

I passed...... I've reached the end of ridculous study periods and studying for a good long while. YAY!!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

UGH! That's all that can be said about taking my boards. Seriously, I can't believe how ridiculous those were. There were a ton of questions on there that I had NO idea how to answer. A ton of meds that I'd never heard of....So I left feeling like I failed miserably. I only got 80'something questions out of the 265 total questions, but that either means that I did really great or I did horrible. So I get to worry about it the entire weekend. Until Tuesday, or even Wednesday possibly.

Needless to say I went out for a beer after the test with a nurse that I work with who took them with me, and we sat at Valley West mall's Kahunaville filling our faces with beer and nachos. And tonight, I don't plan to be even one bit sober. I'm going to be hanging out with friends at home, so I hope to be pretty damn drunk pretty damn early in the night :)

Yay to taking tests....PFFTTT..... Cross the fingers and pray for me everyone :)