This is blonde creativity at it's best. Thune called me gay, to which I replied "If I was a guy and did that, I'd expect that response, but I'm not and it's cute: so there." I wanted a black and white over the couch, so I made one with a frame and a picture of us. I have a black slipcover on the couch that Willie gave me, and put red throw pillows on the couch, so I wanted another red accent in the living room. And letters painted red seemed like the perfect idea. I painted them, and was talking on the phone with Thune. Then I dropped red paint on the carpet and frantically cleaned it up. Amazingly, it all came out. Score :)
Speaking of little bald polish men, Thune'll be home at least in two weeks, probably a few days shy of that. We're hoping that he leaves next Wednesday, cuz he'll be home by Friday or early Saturday. His last day of work is this Thursday, but the army makes them do out processing which is just stupid and takes forever. So he'll be leaving at least by Aug 17th, which is a Friday and making it back here by at least Monday the 20th. Yay for the end of the deployment. I didn't think I'd make it through, but I did. Looking back it both creeped by and sped by. But either way, I'm glad it's over.
Anyhow, that's all that's going on I suppose. Dani will be coming down this weekend to visit, and I have to work. So I'll be getting off work at 11:30 and joining the rest of my drunk friends whereever they happen to be at the time. It's great having an excuse to be sober :)
Congrats to everyone who's expecting. It seems there's a baby boom going on around me. Makes me a touch nervous....there will be none here for quite a while, if I have anything to say about the matter. I think there's something in the water at work as well, there are three nurses on my floor that are pregnant. Yikes, I'll be sticking to soda at work from now on :)
Happy birthday Robbie!! Hope you're having a great day, I remember you saying you have it off :)
Love you and g'day.