A Peak at My Life

Life is a journey, and this is the story of mine.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

The sober world, part one :)

I just thought that title was clever. I giggled in my head anyhow. Take it or leave it, I suppose :)

So, I have spent the last few weekends going out, but not drinking. I have to admit that it's refreshing to not be hung over on Sunday. It's sad that I don't remember a Sunday feeling so good before. But, tis the way it is I guess. I did go out this Wednesday, the day of the funeral and spending the entire day on Tuesday at the funeral home. I had two beers then, after consulting with Thune. I had made the promise to him not to drink, and I wanted to make sure it was ok with him to have a few, and just enjoy my friends company. I got a bit of shit from a friend, his answer was "How old are you, you make your own decisions." Um, pretty sure I'm the one with the great relationship: you're single. I think I'll stick with being respectful to my fiance. Again, it was refreshing to drink and not be trashed. So I'm not sure if it was totally psychological in regards to having many if I have one, but my guess is yes. I still plan on not drinking heavily until Thune comes home, but maybe a few here and there. It's been interesting experiencing my friends completely trashed while I'm sober, I'm not sure what I think of that yet. It's interesting, to say the least.

Work has been going well. Same ol, same ol basically. I'm feeling more confident and more in the loop of things at work, which is reassuring. I'm not feeling like such a rookie. I've also had a lot of really good patients lately, so it's been fun. I love my patients, and my co workers are all pretty awesome too. A lot of different personalities, some quite similar to mine :)

THUNE COMES HOME IN APPROX. 23 DAYS. Yay, yay, yay :) Home for good, I can't wait. I should probably stock up on antibiotics now, considering my UTI track record of every single time he comes back to visit. Not that ANYONE wanted to know that, but everyone at work jokes about it so I thought I'd share the joy with ya'll.

Anyway, I guess that's it. I have to work all weekend, so no fun times for me this weekend. And I'm ok with that. I'm feeling pretty tired and run down lately, although I'm not sure why.

One more thing....I got told by a lesbian that I was hot the other day. Didn't quite know how to take that one. I guess she was a hot lesbian (I think, though I'm not expert on the situation) so it was ok, no? Flattering, none-the-less I suppose :) I politely said "thank you," because I figured "You too" would have been a little misleading of my intentions. But whatever, I realize I think things to death. This situation is no exception :)

Now, I promise that's it! Have a good weekend! G'day all!

Friday, July 20, 2007

So, I got an interesting wake up call today from my uncle John. My grandma (dad's mom) passed away in the middle of the night. I was absolutely in shock, because while I knew she was ill and in the hospital, I had no idea that it'd end like this or this soon. I had spent the last week in the hospital visiting her for about 20 minutes everyday before work. That really has been my mental saving grace in the situation. I went to see her yesterday before work, but she wasn't there and I didn't ask where she was. So, I feel incredibly guilty and/or upset that I didn't truly get a chance to say goodbye.

Anyhow, that's all I guess. Just thought I'd let everyone know, even though none of you really knew her. I barely knew her, unfortunately. Have a good day all!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

So, I've made a rather important life decision. I am going to stop drinking. I made this decision because the root of almost all of my problems in life right now are based upon my drinking habits. Including: gaining weight, getting into bad situations, conflicts with Thune, and problems with friends. So, rather than face controversy and problems I've decided to eliminate the common denominator. I should able to go out and have a good time with friends and not drink. I also should be able to go out and have only a few: but that's not the way it is. I have serious alcoholism genes on both sides of my family and it's inescapable. I used to just drink on the weekends, and now it's becoming more common to drink about twice a week. I cannot just have a few beers and be ok. If I have one, it's followed by 8-10 more. And, as I look back: it's kind of ridiculous. I become someone I'm not when I drink: and it becomes way easy for things to get out of control. I make irresponsible decisions like driving when I shouldn't. Perhaps at some time in my life later I'll be able to drink again, but for right now, it's just not going to be part of my life anymore.

I have to work a 6 day stretch this week, because they called and asked if I wanted to stay home on Saturday. That was ok, but now I have to work tomorrow, and the rest of the week. Oh well, I mean I guess I get next weekend off. I shall survive, I suppose.

Anyhow, that's really all that's going on in my life right now. I'm just working and living and that's that I suppose. I'm getting more used to being on my own, but I still can't wait to have Thune back in a month and 5 days. Yay :) I'll post again when I have more things to talk about. Have a g'night all!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

So, today marks the end of my three days off in a row. I'm pretty glad, actually. Because...I'm super freaking board. It would seem that all of my friends either were out of town for the 4th holiday, or had other plans. So, I would up waking up early, helping mom move....laying out in the sun for a while, then having dinner with mom, her boyfriend and my grandma. And now I'm sitting her eating cookies and drinking beer by myself. Go me :)

Anyhow, I went shopping with Eric the other day. It was great to see him again, after seeing him two times a week and then not at all. It was refreshing :) Really it was more of a "I shopped and talked, he followed and talked back" sort of situation, but it was good regardless. Definetly good to catch up.

But yea, I think I'm going to go now. Got drinking to do, and no one to do it with. G'night all :)